[. . . ] € 14 • 1 GENERAL INFORMATION The coffee machine is suitable for preparing 1 or 2 cups of espresso coffee and is provided with a swivel steam and hot water wand. The controls on the front side of the machine are labelled with easy-to-read symbols. The machine has been designed for domestic use and is not suitable for professional, continuous use. 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS English The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the technical specifications of the product. [. . . ] 16) - Turn the filter holder from left to right until it locks into place. 17) - Take 1 or 2 preheated cups and place them under the filter holder. Make sure that they are correctly placed under the coffee brewing nozzles. When the desired quantity of coffee has been obtained, press the brew button (18) again to stop brewing and remove the cups of coffee (Fig. Then remove the filter holder and empty the remaining coffee grounds out. € • • • • • • • Note: If a small quantity of water remains in the filter holder, this has to be considered as absolutely normal and is due to the filter holder features. Important Note: The filter (13) should be kept clean to guarantee perfect results. € After 150 cc of water has flowed out, press the brew button (18) again to stop hot water dispensing. 20) - Remove the pressurized filter holder from the machine by turning it from right to left and pour out any water left. 14) - Insert the pod into the filter holder and make sure that the paper of the pod does not overhang the filter holder. 15) - Insert the pressurized filter holder into the brew unit (8) from the bottom. 16) - Turn the filter holder from left to right until it locks into place. When the desired quantity of coffee has been obtained, press the brew button (18) again to stop brewing and remove the cup of coffee. 20) - Wait a few seconds after brewing, then remove the filter holder and dispose of the used pod. Important Note: The filter (15) and the adapter (14) should be kept clean to guarantee perfect results. 23) - When the required amount of hot water has been dispensed, press the brew button (18) again. 24) - Close the "hot water/steam" knob (3) by turning it clockwise. € • may flash on and off ; this is to be considered as standard operation and not a fault. 26) - Insert a container under the steam wand and open the knob (3) for a few seconds, so that remaining water can flow out of the steam wand. Fill 1/3 of the container you wish to use to prepare the cappuccino with cold milk. 28) - Immerse the steam wand in the milk and open the knob (3) by turning it counter-clockwise. Turn the milk container with slow upward movements so that it warms up evenly. [. . . ] 2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Kontrollpanel Lock till vattenbehållare Ratt varmvatten / ånga Plats för tillbehör Vattenbehållare Stöd för koppens placering Vattenuppsamlare + bricka Bryggrupp Ångrör (Pannarello) Elkabel Trycksatt filterhållare Mått för malt kaffe Filter för malt kaffe (det enda för bryggning av 1 eller 2 koppar) Adapter för kaffepodfilter Kaffepodfilter ON/OFF-knapp Kontrollampa "Påslagen maskin" Tänd = Påslagen maskin Släckt = Avslagen maskin Brytare för bryggning av kaffe Lysdiod kaffe / vatten - "Maskinen redo" Tänd = OK för bryggning av kaffe / utflöde av varmt vatten Släckt = Låg temperatur för kaffe / varmt vatten Brytare för ånga Kontrollampa "Ångskummare redo" Tänd = OK för utflöde av ånga Släckt = Låg temperatur för ånga Kaffemaskinen är nu redo att anslutas till elnätet. Genom att se till att produkten skaffas bort på rätt sätt bidrar du till att motverka möjliga negativa bieffekter på miljön och hälsan som en oriktig avfallshantering av produkten kan orsaka. Maskinen er designet for bruk i hjemmet og er ikke egnet til noen form for profesjonell kontinuerlig bruk. Produsenten påtar seg ikke ansvar for eventuelle skader ved tilfeller av: • feilaktig bruk eller bruk som ikke er i tråd med det maskinen er laget for, • reparasjoner som ikke er utført av autoriserte serviceverksteder, • skader påført strømkabelen; • skader påført en hvilken som helst del av maskinen; • Bruk av uoriginale reservedeler eller tilbehør; • Manglende avkalking og oppbevaring på steder med temperatur under 0°C. [. . . ]